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“God is light; in God, there is no darkness ...”  

[1 John 1:5]

Welcome to The Table.  


We are an evolving intergenerational faith community united in our belief that God loves each of us and wants us to share that love by serving our neighbors both near and far. 


We value friendship and love, and we recognize the spark of the Divine in every human being. As we celebrate our diversity as humans, we work to break down barriers that divide us so that we can all walk together in Christ's love. 


At The Table, God has prepared a place for you just as you are.

Upcoming Events

Select event text to see more details.


The results from the Wake County Debt Jubilee are in!

A total of $43,169 was collected.

Total amount of debt abolished: $6,560,412.69 

Over half the personal bankruptcies in the US are caused by medical debt. An unexpected medical problem, a short stay in the ICU, an accident, can all result in massive medical bills – even after insurance or Medicare.  More than 20% of North Carolina residents have significant unpaid medical bills, making NC the #6 worst state in the nation for medical debt.  For families that work paycheck to paycheck, a significant medical bill can send them into poverty.

Imagine a struggling family receiving a completely unexpected letter saying that their crippling medical debt has been forgiven.  We can bring that kind of grace to many families in our area through this campaign – a practical demonstration of the grace that God has given each of us!

This was a combined effort between The Table, Raleigh and Trinity Moravian Churches.

Pictures from The Table Moravian
May 7, 2023
The Sacrament of Holy Communion

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Elements of Communion
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Moravians believe it is Jesus 
who consecrates the elements
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Pastor Fran Leads the congregation in Holy Communion
Click here for more information about Moravians
and the Sacrament of Holy Communion

The Table Moravian and Raleigh Moravian  unite for Oakwood Easter Sunrise Service
and Easter Sunday Morning Service


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The Lord Is Risen!
The Lord is risen indeed!

The Table Moravian Pastor Fran Saylor and
Raleigh Moravian Director of Faith Formation Jami Vandock
lead Easter Sunrise Service at Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh


Joint Raleigh Moravian and The Table Band Play for Easter Sunrise!

Decorated crosses before the united Sunday morning service

Palm Sunday Celebration at The Table
April 2, 2023

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Palms for Palm Sunday and the entry of Jesus to Jerusalem

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"Wonderful Weber Boys" begin service with beautiful singing

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Everyone gets a cross made from palm leaves


Blessed Is He
That Comes"
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Moravian brass band prepares to play along with Holy Week readings



Moravian Brass

Sing and Play
"Hail to




Thomas Baucom of the Board of Directors of the Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church, North America
Sings Nepali Song
Provides Message at The Table Moravian Church 03/26/2023

Western Wake Crisis Ministry
The Table Moravian Church
donated over 900 lbs of food to Western Wake Crisis Ministry within the last year!

Please see more about our Western Wake Crisis Ministry by clicking
The Table logo: a Moravian star above a table with two chairs.

Contact Us


The Table Moravian Church
PO Box 743
Apex, NC 27502







Sunday Worship Location

Fairview Community Club

4505 Ten-Ten Rd, Apex, NC 27539


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